7 indoor plants easily propagated from cuttings and thrive well.

Ornamental plants obtained through regular purchase look extravagant. Propagation by cutting is an effective method for multiplying ornamental plants at home. Some ornamental plants are also popular and easy to propagate and grow, although with specific instructions. Continue reading the following article about ornamental plants that can be used as a collection in the garden.


This popular plant is an ornamental plant that is easy to propagate through cuttings. Cut a few centimeters of the stems and place them in a glass of clean water. Wait until the roots disappear before moving it to a pot. Otherwise, philodendron cuttings can be started in the soil in the same way.


Propagate this beautiful tradescantia plant in water. You can select similar varieties that have a beautiful purple hue. Cut the branches and soak them in water or a potting medium that can develop roots for 2 to 4 weeks to propagate.


Croton is a plant that can be easily propagated by cuttings. Choose stems 3 to 4 inches long with at least 3 sets of leaves. Fill a pot with light or mixed potting soil. Choose a shady location for new roots and leaves to sprout.

Prayer plant

Maranta is a species of calathea with incredibly beautiful peacock-patterned leaves. Growing from stem cuttings will be easy for beginners. Select a mature stem and remove a few leaves, leaving three strands. Place in soil with drainage.


Schefflera is an ornamental plant that can be easily propagated by stem cuttings. An umbrella-shaped leaf usually has 6 to 7 dark green oval-shaped leaves. Cut the stems and plant them in pots of potting mix 1 to 2 inches deep in a sunny, humid location.

African violet

This African violet has velvety leaves and beautiful flowers. Leaf cuttings are an easy way to propagate the plant; Cut off the leaves and soak them in water to encourage new root growth. Or place it in a pot with a soil mixture and wait for it to grow.

Snake plant

The snake plant can be transformed into a variety of plants that grow quickly. Cut the leaves about 5 cm long and place them in the soil to demonstrate the growth of new shoots, or the propagation method in water is also well known for this plant.

Source: https://www.homifine.com

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