Six excellent indoor plants for your bathroom.

The bathroom is a part that has a very important function for the continuity of family comfort in the home. While in the bathroom, people often relax by taking a shower and stretching their muscles after their activities. It would be great if the bathroom had plants that could improve the humidity and air quality around it. For some plants you can have in your bathroom, check out Six Great Houseplants for Your Bathroom.

Calathea Orbifolia

In its natural habitat, calathea is one of the plants that grows well in shady areas with bright indirect light. When you place it in the bathroom, give it a place near the window and it will grow proudly. Water it not too often to prevent rot.

Paz Lily

Not only because it can have beautiful flowers, the peace lily is also one of the plants that requires little maintenance. Even high humidity in the bathroom makes this peace lily grow well. However, when you want to see them bloom better, place them in a brighter area with indirect light.

air plant

Since they grow miraculously even without soil, a high humidity area in the bathroom will help air plants grow well. The evaporated water will be absorbed by the pores of the leaves so that they can grow well. Did you know this unique plant?


Pothos is also one of those plants that can grow magically. It’s not that it doesn’t need land, but its ability to survive in many situations makes it easy for many people to have it. You can grow it in soil or water, in bright light or shade.

Aloe vera

This plant has many benefits beyond being limited to decoration. Use aloe vera as an attractive bathroom plant. It is not necessary to water it frequently so that the leaves do not become soft. The interesting thing is that aloe vera is one of the air-purifying plants that makes you feel more comfortable in the bathroom.


The attractive leaves of this begonia will make your bathroom look more beautiful and not boring. Begonias can also produce flowers that will spread positive vibes to the surroundings.


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