
Missing Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi spotted crossing into MEXICO before father killed himself trying to find her

Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi fled to Mexico to disconnect from the world, according to law enforcement, who are now categorizing her as a ‘voluntary missing person’.

Investigators claim security footage from the border near Tijuana, about 145 miles from LAX, shows her alive between November 12 and 13, about a day after she disappeared and about 11 days before her father took his own life.

Footage viewed by police on Sunday ‘clearly shows 30-year-old Hannah Kobayashi’ crossing the border on foot, the LAPD said on Monday.

Authorities released new details of their investigation – citing ‘witness interviews, reviewed video surveillance’ and collaboration with local law enforcement – on what they say happened to Hannah.

Kobayashi ‘knowingly departed’ LAX after checking her bag to her connecting flight to New York from Maui and went to Union Station on November 11 and used her passport to buy a bus ticket to the border.

The next morning, she took the bus to San Ysidro, California, before crossing the border.

The LAPD said there is no evidence of human trafficking or foul play and noted that Kobayashi seemed to want a less complicated life.

‘The investigators noted that before departing Maui, Kobayashi expressed a desire to step away from modern connectivity,’ the police department said in a statement.

Therefore, they are now classifying her disappearance as ‘voluntary’ in an attempt to respect ‘her right to privacy’.

‘The LAPD remains mindful of privacy concerns while ensuring all investigative actions are conducted within the bounds of legal and ethical standards,’ the statement added.

Police say they will not further their investigation of Kobayashi to Mexico but will be notified if she returns to America and they encourage her to contact police or the American Embassy in Mexico to ‘confirm her well being’.

Her family is yet to comment on the information indicating Hannah could have fled south for the Mexican border.

Sources told NBC Los Angeles that they do not suspect any foul play in her disappearance at this time.

One even made a bold suggestion: ‘She’s an adult and she can choose to be missing.’

The Los Angeles PD most recently said they thought Kobayashi ‘intentionally’ missed her flight to New York City – though her family says she would never do that.

The 30-year-old disappeared from the streets of downtown Los Angeles after missing a connecting flight from her native Maui to the Big Apple on November 8.

She had earlier sent a friend a text message saying she had a ‘spiritual awakening’ and was later seen in the company of a mystery man on November 11.

The Kobayashi family has repeatedly said she did not seem to be acting like her normal self – with her sister, Sydni, even suggesting that Hannah’s text messages ‘feel like someone was controlling her.’

But at a Board of Police Commissioners meeting on November 26, LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell said ‘the investigation determined’ that Hannah’s missed connection ‘was intentional.’

‘On November 15, our missing persons unit assumed investigative responsibility,’ he said.

‘Detectives have been diligently reviewing video surveillance and employing various investigative techniques to locate Hannah, while her family has continued their personal search efforts.’

He went on to say that the LAPD remains ‘committed to locating Hannah and supporting the family as they navigate their way through this tragedy,’ especially following the death of Hannah’s father, Ryan.

Yet Kobayashi’s family said the police chief had never actually told them about the evidence that she ‘intentionally’ missed her flight, with Sydni suggesting there was no evidence.

She claimed in a statement on social media that the family was ‘unaware of the alleged findings presented at the Los Angeles Police Commission meeting until multiple videos of the meeting were sent to us by multiple citizens,’ PEOPLE reports.

‘These alleged findings have yet to be relayed to my mother and I directly from the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department or any detective involved in Hannah’s case.’

She and her mother, Brandi Yee, also claimed that certain details McDonnell shared about the case at the meeting were inaccurate.

‘Specific facts contained in that report were inaccurate, such as Hannah’s age. Hannah is 30 years old, not 23. Also, Hannah was reported missing to law enforcement on November 11th, not November 13th, as stated by the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.

‘The lack of communication surrounding some important details has left us feeling excluded from potentially crucial developments,’ Sydni argued.

‘However, we do remain hopeful and optimistic that the Los Angeles Police Department is doing everything in their power to assist us in locating Hannah.

Sydni also hit out at the report to Hawaii News Now, saying the police chief ‘kind of seems to state it [as if] she went out and about to do her own thing,’ which may discourage people from searching for her.

‘I don’t want to bash the LAPD. I don’t want to discredit them if they are doing what they are doing,’ she said. ‘But at this time, it makes us very confused as to where they are at.’

Sydni also said she continues to believe Hannah is in danger, noting that even if her sister decided to go off-grid, she would have reached out after her father – who spent nearly two weeks looking for her – committed suicide.

‘With my father’s passing, with it being everywhere, in her right state of mind, she would have never thought to not reach out to anybody,’ Sydni said.

She had previously shared similar sentiments with NewsNation, as she shared her concerns with Cuomo’s guest host, Brian Entin, that Hannah may have been taken out of California.

‘Intuitively knowing her and being so close to her my entire life, I just know this is absolutely not like her,’ the worried sister said.

She went on to say she is convinced Hannah wouldn’t have ran away and was ‘an amazing and beautiful person.’

Kobayashi was caught on security camera footage disembarking a plane at LAX  just before 10pm on November 8.

The aspiring photographer was seen wearing a black hoodie and colorful sweatpants as she walked through LAX while wearing a pair of headphones.

Her ex-boyfriend was also onboard that flight, after booking flights for the two of them before they split up.

She was due to take a connecting flight at 11pm, however she never made it, while her ex continued to New York. He is now cooperating with police.

The following day, Kobayashi was spotted at The Grove shopping mall between midday and 3pm. She spent a considerable amount of time at Taschen Books, where she stopped to charge her phone.

At 2:43 she snapped a picture and sent it to her aunt, before returning to the airport where she is believed to have spent the night.

She was next spotted talking to a ticketing agent at LAX at around 5pm.

That same day, a missing-persons report was filed by her family amid what they described as uncharacteristic correspondence from Kobayashi.

The family explained that Kobayashi sent some cryptic text messages and Venmo payments to people they didn’t recognize before and after her disappearance.

One payment was sent at 6:25pm on November 9 to a person named Veronica Almendarez for an unknown amount, with the description of the payment only showing a drawn bow and arrow emoji.

The second was made less than an hour later to someone called Jonathan Taylor, also for an undisclosed amount, with the description only saying: ‘Reading.’

The recipients’ relationship with Hannah is not currently known, but the missing woman’s family told the Sun that the LAPD is investigating the matter.

Hannah had also sent a series of eerie texts to her loved ones, claiming she had recently undergone a ‘spiritual awakening,’ after she was due to meet family in New York.

In another, she claimed: ‘Deep Hackers wiped my identity, stole all of my funds, & have had me on a mind f**k since Friday.’

A third text message to a friend said she was ‘tricked pretty much into giving away all my funds for someone I thought I love.’

A missing-persons poster also notes: ‘Prior to going missing, [Kobayashi] sent a message on November 10, mentioning feeling scared, and that someone might be trying to steal her money and identity. She hasn’t been heard from since.’

The next day, November 11, Kobayashi was spotted boarding an LAX Metro C line at Aviation/Century Station.

She got on board at 9:02pm, before transferring to a different train at the Rosa Parks Station.

Kobayashi was finally seen leaving the Metro Pico Station with the unidentified person at 10:03pm

The family also noted that the young artist’s phone has been off since November 11 and her last pinned location was at the Los Angeles Airport. has reached out to the Los Angeles Police Department for comment.

November 8-9 – After missing her connecting flight in Los Angeles from Maui to New York City, Hannah Kobayashi is spotted both days at the popular shopping mall The Grove at some time between the middle of the day and 3pm

November 10 – Kobayashi is seen in the background of a Nike event starring NBA legend LeBron James at around 3:30pm

November 11 – The 30-year-old was spotted getting on the LAX Metro C line at Aviation/Century Station, a short ride from the airport. Kobayashi was reported missing to law enforcement this same day.

November 12-13 – Law enforcement sources claim Kobayashi is seen entering Mexico at the border near Tijuana

November 15 – The LAPD Missing Persons Unit takes over the case

November 24 – Hannah’s father, Ryan, is found dead at a building near LAX, one of the last places Hannah was seen.

November 25 – It is revealed Ryan Kobayashi took his own life, with family saying he ‘died of a broken heart’ over Hannah’s disappearance

November 26 – LAPD Chief Jim McDonnell said ‘the investigation determined’ that Hannah’s missed connection ‘was intentional’ at an LAPD Board of Commissioners meeting

November 27 – LAPD attempts to locate a man and a woman Kobayashi paid on Venmo shortly after she missed her connecting flight on the 11th

December 2 – An LAPD source claims Hannah is ‘an adult and she can choose to be missing’ and don’t suspect any foul play in her disappearance

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