Amazed by the mummy “smiling princess”

“Her eyes were slightly closed, her nose was pretty, her lips were slightly curled, leaving behind an eternal smile” – a Swedish archaeologist described the “smiling mummy”.

Existing 3,800 years ago, the cemetery relics in Labu Lac, Xinjiang, China are known as the graves of thousands of coffins.

In October 2003, large-scale excavations were carried out. The “grave of thousands of coffins” actually only has a total of 330 graves. Director of the Xinjiang Archaeological Research Institute said: “This cemetery has a 5-storey structure. From the outside, the sand mountain has an elliptical shape. This time, we excavated 163 graves and brought back about 30 coffins for research.”

The greatest achievement was the excavation of four wooden coffins deep in the cemetery. The bodies of the four beautiful women inside were dressed in fur coats and precious jewelry, intact without a grain of sand.


Close-up of “smiling” mummy

“She wore a beautiful outfit, a special pyramid-shaped hat, her long black hair tied with a pink ribbon, hanging down under the hat. Her eyes were slightly closed, dreamy as if she were sleeping, her nose was pretty, her lips were slightly curled, leaving behind an eternal smile”, the Swedish archaeologist described the feeling when seeing “the smiling mummy”. .

The coffin containing the mummy of a beautiful woman also attracted the attention of archaeologists. They believe that the two sides of the coffin are made from poplar tree trunks, facing each other, and the lid is assembled from small, flat pieces of wood. Right at the burial site, people kill a live buffalo, skin it and wrap it around the coffin, so this special coffin does not need a bottom.

It is known that in 1939, after it was first discovered and researched, in the 60s of the 20th century, this secret cemetery strangely disappeared, leaving only a vast, silent sandy beach. Until now, there is still no clear explanation for this strange phenomenon.

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