Presentaмos Sмoothie: la estrella felina de Instagraм
Si Ƅuscas “Ƅatido” y “gato” en Google, proƄaƄleмente encontrarás algunas iмágenes Ƅastante inquietantes. Sin eмƄargo, hay un gato británico de pelo largo llaмado Sмoothie que seguraмente capturará…
Motomo’s Extraordinary Odyssey: A Tale of Resilience and Coexistence
0SHARESShare On March 23, 2023, an astonishing report captured our attention. Deep within community land, an adolescent elephant, Motomo, was discovered, journeying alone an astounding 50 kilometers…
A Miraculous Rescue: Saving a Wounded Elephant on World Elephant Day
On the momentous occasion of World Elephant Day, a heartwarming story unfolded in the Masai Mara, where an ailing and distinguished old elephant desperately needed assistance. Alert…
Thailand’s out-of-work elephants are going online for their money
In the northeastern village of Ban Ta Klang in Thailand, Siriporn Sapmak starts her day by doing a livestream of her two elephants on social media to raise money to…
Healing Hearts: A Touching Encounter with an Injured Elephant That Touched the World
0SHARESShare In a world filled with natural wonders, there exists a remarkable story that serves as a testament to the profound connections between humans and animals. ADVERTISEMENT…