RICHARD EDEN: Meghan Markle finds the ideal boss for her American Riviera Orchard… herself! Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 takes up CEO role at her lifestyle brand after fruitless search to find someone able to meet her expectations
Having announced her new cooking and lifestyle business, American Riviera Orchard, with great fanfare back in March, the Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 began a search for a suitable Chief Executive Officer. ‘Meghan is interviewing candidates for the CEO role at the moment,’ a source told me at the time. Despite having interviewed several candidates for the position, Prince Harry’s wife was unable to find anyone who matched her expectations.
女優岡江久美子さんが2020年4月23日に新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎で死去。 岡江さんは1978年にNHKの連想ゲームでバラエティ番組に出演し、その後「はなまるマーケット」の司会を17年半務めた。 晩年は90歳の母親の介護を行い、介護生活が大きな負担となっていた。 娘の大和田美穂さんは、母の介護を手伝いながら、2014年に結婚し、2015年に長女を出産した。 大和田美穂さんは、妊娠しづらい体であることが診断されていたが、奇跡的に出産を果たした。 岡江さんは、2020年4月3日に発熱し、急変後に入院。新型コロナウイルス感染が確認された。 大和田美穂さんは、母の死後、心の支えを失ったことを語り、前向きに生きていく決意を示した。
Missing Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi spotted crossing into MEXICO before father killed himself trying to find her
Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi fled to Mexico to disconnect from the world, according to law enforcement, who are now categorizing her as a ‘voluntary missing person’. Investigators claim security footage from the border near Tijuana, about 145 miles from LAX, shows her alive between November 12 and 13, about a day after she disappeared and about 11 days before her father took his own life. Footage viewed by police on Sunday ‘clearly shows 30-year-old Hannah Kobayashi’ crossing the border on foot, the LAPD said on Monday.