Hauntingly Creepy Images of Abounded School Around The World

Once these buildings and theirs walls aspired knowledge, laughter, first love, first breakup and many stories, no the same buildings serve merely as an inspiration for horror movies, campfire scary stories and Gothic novels.The Photographer Chris Luckhardt has been travelling over a decade around the world for search to capture this magnificently haunting and beyond creepy buildings that once were school and educational institutions.

Stanard School — Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Image: chrisluckhardt

Holley High School — Holley, New York, USA

Image: chrisluckhardt

Once a school in a tiny village in New York State, now a home of dust, mess and graffiti. The Holley High School was closed in 1970’s and due to its authentic appearance beside artists, photographers and explorers, this beautiful ruin now is a “must see” tourist attraction.

St. Peter &Paul School — Buffalo, New York, USA

Image: chrisluckhardt
Image: chrisluckhardt

Lillesden School for Girls (UK)

Images: Blunders500

The classical boarding school for girls was shut down in 1999 and since then has become a hot spot place for radical conceptual artistis, explorers and film directors.The abounded place now serves as a perfect filming location due to it creepy and odd beauty: demon grafiti in the bathrooms and collapsed gym. There is an information that some scenes of Doctor Who are filmed here.

Redford High School — Detroit, Michigan, USA

Image: chrisluckhardt

Medical Veterinarian School Belgium

Images: Martino Zegward

Gujo, Japan

Image: chrisluckhardt

Pripyat Schools (Ukraine)

The apocalyptic landscape in Prypyat schools is not due to random shut down. During the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion, the children from the Prypyat schools were instantly evacuated in order to escape the incoming gas of radioactive dust.

German Roman Catholic Orphanage — Buffalo, New York, USA

Image: chrisluckhardt

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