Raevin Amante Bonifacio has demonstrated that he has a great heart that is filled with respect and compassion for animals. The fact that this young guy lacked the wherewithal to pay the veterinary bills for the puppy he saved did not stop him from providing the dog with all of his support.
This dog had mange, which resulted in significant hair loss and skin sores. People like Raevin are what give the world a special light because they make life more equitable for these helpless beings, who unquestionably deserve all the love.
Raevin lives in the Philippines and is constantly seeking for methods to assist animals who have endured difficult circumstances like neglect and cruelty. Despite his limited financial means, he frequently heals his wounds at home.
The young guy utilized the herb Gliricida, which is well-known for its mange-fighting antifungal qualities, to cure Brei, a dog with mange. With the help of some guava leaves and this herb, the dog was given medical baths.
The young guy also used coconut oil to relieve skin rashes and itching, and he also included a little amount of this oil in the dog’s food to aid with digestion.
Brei was given vitamins to help his immune system, and Raevin took him to the veterinarian for deworming and vaccinations with the little money she had.
After some time with the young man’s constant attention, the dog underwent an amazing transformation.