Heroic Dog Caught On Camera Jumping In Water To Save A Drowning Cat

As far as I could remember, I was under the impression that dogs and cats are some sort of mortal enemies, incapable of co-existing peacefully.

In this story, we have a poor cat who is drowning. Who else comes to the rescue but the cats ‘mortal enemy,’ the dog.

He saw something strange happening at the lake, and as he got closer, he noticed the poor scared cat trying and failing to swim.

No one knows how the cat fell into the water, but as soon as this sweet canine noticed the struggling cat, he immediately jumped into the cold water.

We only have 15 seconds of footage but it seems that is all he needed to get the cat out to the shore, with it straddling the dogs back.

It’s really amazing to see what animals are willing to do for each other. They really possess a level of empathy we don’t give them credit for often enough.

This is a heartwarming story and is enough to make anyones day!

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