Aglaonema Care: How to Grow Aglaonema Plants.

Aglaonema plants are houseplants with low-maintenance foliage and flowers that are perfect for novice growers.

5 Common Aglaonema Varieties

Aglaonema has several popular cultivars. Level up your houseplant game with one of these cultivated varieties.

Aglaonema ‘Silver Bay’  : This is one of the most common aglaonema cultivars, for good reason. These beautiful silver-green foliage plants are easy to grow and care for and will add a fresh touch of greenery to any space in the home.

Aglaonema ‘Silver Queen’  – This cultivar has long, thin leaves that are beautifully striped with silver and various shades of green.

Aglaonema ‘Siam Aurora Red’  – This red aglaonema cultivar sports beautiful variegated yellow and light green leaves and stunning bright pink veins.

Aglaonema ‘Emerald Beauty’  – This cultivar has tall, slender stems and narrow oval-shaped leaves. Its foliage is dark green with silver tufts.

Aglaonema ‘Pink Dalmatian’  : This Chinese evergreen cultivar has deep green leaves and bright pink flecks.

How to grow and care for aglaonema

Aglaonema plants are low maintenance houseplants. Simply follow these simple plant care guidelines.

Plant aglaonema in well-draining potting soil  . Any high-quality, well-drained potting soil or potting mix will do the trick. For even greater drainage capacity, try mixing perlite into your soil before planting.

Place the aglaonema in bright indirect light  . Aglaonema will tolerate low light conditions, but its variety of leaves may fade if they are in the shade for too long. For thriving aglaonema plants with vibrant, variegated leaves, place them in bright indirect light. To avoid burnt or discolored leaves, be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight.

Let the top inch of soil dry between watering  . Water your aglaonema plant when the top inch of soil is dry. The leaves will begin to wilt when the plant is thirsty. Continue watering the plant until water seeps through the drainage holes in the pot, but avoid overwatering the plant as this can cause the roots to rot or the leaves to turn yellow. If water accumulates on the soil surface after watering, tilt it.

Keep temperatures moderate  . Aglaonema plants grow best between sixty and eighty degrees Fahrenheit with high humidity levels similar to tropical environments. While these plants flourish in high humidity conditions, aglaonema houseplants tolerate most humidity levels.

Aglaonema plants benefit from an occasional transplant  . If your aglaonema plant is drooping no matter how often you water it, that’s a sign that it has become root bound. Select a new container that is a couple of inches wider than the current pot and repot the plant once its growing season begins in the spring.

Use liquid houseplant fertilizer occasionally  . Aglaonema plants can thrive without fertilizer, but fertilizing them once a month during the spring and summer growing season will help maximize their growth.

Beware of mealybug infestations  . Mealybugs are small white insects that feed on the leaves of aglaonema plants and leave behind a powdery wax residue. If you spot signs of a scale insect infestation, treat your aglaonema plant with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

Propagate aglaonema plants  . You can prune or use propagation methods to maintain the size of your plant. Replanting stem cuttings is the best method for propagating aglaonema plants. Simply take your mother plant and cut a stem several inches long. Place the cut stem in a bowl of water. After a couple of weeks, the cutting should begin to root in water. Once the new roots are about three inches long, transplant your new plant into a container of potting soil.

Aglaonema plants contain calcium oxalate, a source of toxicity that can be harmful if ingested. If you have curious cats or dogs, place your aglaonema plant on a shelf or table where they can’t reach it.



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